History & Expertise
We started working on dragon naturally speaking since one of our client walked in and said his dragon isn’t working and he is not able to find Nuance number to call. Our technician, Nova wanted to take a look and work on the issues and it was a easy fix from registry. Nova sent an email to the advertisement Team to see if we can advertise and train more technicians to provide Dragon support to people who are not able to reach to Nuance dragon support. Since 2013, we have been working on Dragon speech recognition software and here we are with more than 10000 customers, who taken help from us so far.
We work on Dragon naturally Speaking Home, Dragon Naturally Speaking Premium, Dragon naturally Speaking Legal and many more.
Dragon support by Experts work on dragon naturally speaking remotely. We use very secure remote connections to provide best service in industry. Until we fix the problem, we do not charge our clients.